Hot Amanda, left. Cow, right |
Lindsay Lohan shows Amanda Bynes how it's done. Both stars have taken similar paths to going crazy. But rather than going from cute to vaguely resembling a person you'd want to look at, Lohan is trying to just go from cute to vaguely attractive. For the most part, Lohan has been able to do it. Lohan slips up at times, but quickly returns to being somewhat attractive again. Bynes on the other hand went ugly and hasn't looked back.
Boy doesn't like how sister washes car, shoots her in the chest. A 6-year-old girl remains in critical condition after her brother, 13, became enraged and shot her in the chest. The two children were washing the family car in the driveway of their Florida home. At least one neighbor claims that he thought it was strange. "I thought it was strange," said Justin Latourrette. "They didn't seem to have any supervision." But rather than checking up on the two children, Latourrette just closed the blinds and returned to the couch. Shortly after doing so, an argument broke out when the girl accidentally sprayed the boy in the back with the hose. The boy grabbed the hose and sprayed his sister in the face by putting his thumb over the end of the hose. He then went into the house, grabbed the family gun and shot his sister in the chest.
Chris Brown finds new way to breakup with Rihanna. The last time Brown broke up with Rihanna, he did so by punching her in the face. This time, he just sat down and talked to her. "It felt good," says Brown. "Don't get me wrong, last time felt good too, but it was different this time."
Hong Kong regrets painting dolphins pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Janet Walker, who doesn't have a Hong Kong sounding name, but is still somehow the Hong Kong Dolphinwatch spokeswoman explains:
It sounded like a good idea in the meeting. Li Wan, who had been a part of Dolphinwatch for 14 years had just passed away. Wan struggled with breast cancer for 6 years. We were all so sad. We wanted to honor her memory. Xe Lian suggested we honor Wan's memory by painting what she loved most pink. It wasn't even really talked about much after that. Everyone just went out and starting painting dolphins pink. All together, we painted something like 3,000 dolphins.
Raised $10 for breast cancer research |
When the The Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society learned of what Dolphinwatch had done, they were outraged. It appears the paint used is highly toxic and has been killing the dolphins. Over 500 dolphins have died already and it's not certain they can keep the others from dying.
“I saw he tried to avoid something, but there was nothing he can do. Nothing I can do. So he just ran over it and I ran over it. I didn’t know what it was,” Miguel Hernandez said. “It was crazy. Cars were just going and we could still hear her being hit”
That's it. That's the news.